Day one of camp with Kim Spencer at Aylesford. There's only four of them so they are getting loads of attention in the lessons which is brill. Jack settled really well surprisingly as he's accommodated in a temporary stable which has a tarp roof. It's really windy and noisy in there but he seemed to take it all in his stride. He's such a superstar.

They had a flatwork lesson first, then moved onto SJ in the afternoon also doing some of the arena eventing fences and the water. Eva did really well but didn't enjoy going down the steep slope between different sections of the arena as Jack took off at speed at the bottom to catch up with his new friends!! 

Kim also did a course walking session with them teaching them how to work out strides and what to think about when walking a course. I learnt loads too. 

Everyone stayed over and had a nice evening chatting to the other mums and Kim. We ordered in pizza and Eva loved going to say night to Jack. 

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