
Take me home now mum please!! He doesn't identify as a dog and definitely not an outdoor one!! 

Nice morning continuing the family catch up. A&K cooked everyone a fabulous breakfast and we loitered about drinking tea till early afternoon. 

Back at home we started the boring task of completing all the paperwork needed to buy and sell a house. Reams and reams of it! Dull.

Went for a ride this evening with Lara and her horse Treacle who despite the name is a grey (white!) We're going to camp together towards the end of the week and she can be a bit mareish and hasn't been out with Bud before. They got on fine.

I ended up taking videos for two other kids at camp whose parents didn't stay. Got absolutely loads so need some time to sort through, forward on and delete!! Not sure when I'll find the time to do that.. 

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