Having fun with Mum
An early visit to the plot, first item on my agenda, a controlled explosion of a hugely inflated packaged Mozzarella. Messy, hence the need for space. Not as messy as I feared. Fed & watered beans, deleafed the plum tomatoes, then picked veggies.. Beetroot, runner & French beans, spinach, & courgettes. A few plums from Lizzies heavily laden tree, & a few windfall cookers from a neighbours plot. Bumped into Liz up in the town, discussed fruit, & various uses of. I mentioned blackberries, which she makes into jelly to sell in the shop, I like stewed plums on my breakfast. We struck a deal.
Drove down to CK, armed with repurposed yogurt tub, Indie & I set off. It did'nt take long to fill the tub. Back at Mum's, coffee, then tidy up where Kevin had cut the hedge back the day before. Told Mum I was going to pick more blackberries, would she like to join me. We drove up to the heath, parked, walked to one of my suppliers :-D, found a spot for Mum to pick, (ground is a bit uneven) & away we went. Both tubs filled quickly. We listened for birdsong, witnessed lots of butterfly activity, having a wonderful time being out & about together in the sunshine. A great opportunity to snap Mum, the selfie, well we had a laugh.
Back to Chudleigh dropped hubby off at the pub to watch football, I nipped back down to CK with runner beans for Mum to have with her meal after dropping blackberries off to Liz. 5lb exactly.
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