It was on a Sunday morning.....

...that the gasmen considerably extended their road diggings; they've now blocked off Seaport St and are getting very close to the nice new pavement that annejohn remarked upon (which starts just beyond their grey van).

The only photo I took today - D and I were on our way up to Regent Terrace for my first 'show' of the Fringe, I've just been sent some photos by David Vivanco who was sitting right in front of me - see extra.

About 30 people came, including lots of old friends - more would have made it uncomfortably hot. As it was I sweated heavily (which makes the strings slippery and, I find, the specs slip down the nose!). Still, very much enjoyed myself despite the time constraints of the Fringe. The audience seemed happy too. We re-grouped at Joseph Pearce at Trev's suggestion and drank some very decent blond ale from Pilot.

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