Down By The Riverside
Much time has been wasted today looking for the piece of paper I wrote my Dad's gas and electric meter readings on yesterday. I don't even know why they need meter readings - weren't Smart Meters meant to do away with all that? Though I'm not sure his are relevant any more as they were put in by a previous company... I never did find the paper - and Brian didn't save the photos he took of the readings either. The paper may be over there so we will have to go back again another time this week. If they are not there the readings will have to be taken again...
Visited my Dad this afternoon. He still is not well at all. The home staff are going to have him seen by someone from the GP surgery again as they think there may be another underlying cause for his continuing ill health.
Tomorrow I have to be at the hospital for 9 AM to accompany my Dad to his Dermatology appointment. He has another appointment the following day to have his pacemaker checked. That may need to be changed as I may not have given them enough time to book transport. The letter may have been in his letterbox a few days as we can't get over there to check the post box more than once a week normally.
I took my photo after the visit, as I walked to meet Brian at Morrison's to do the weekly shop. It is the Upper Witham river which flows into the Brayford.
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