The sound of rain

Sounds: The eye must learn to listen before it looks. Well, that’s a bit of a challenge for taking a photograph.

The morning sound world. Rain and wet surfaces, and the quiet that comes outside as people hunker indoors. I travelled to Swinton to take bags of books and clothes to the Oxfam shop, went into a couple of shops to procure things, and had a quick walk over to the Civic Centre to say hello to the wooden miner on his bench. Not long walking between places, but I got pretty wet. And interesting seeing the spaces in the Civic’s car park. Back in the day it was always full. The impact of hybrid working post pandemic, although the city council’s corporate strategy was heading firmly in that direction pre March 2020.

The afternoon sounds have been rain pattering on our conservatory roof, two chaps removing a hospital bed and other paraphernalia, and later a neighbour helping me put our dining room table back together. We’ve decided to get the house back to something like “normal” after months of not normal at all.

We concluded this evening with the last episode of the Chris Packham presented Earth series on TV. Simply tremendous stuff. Really thought provoking, it will irritate those who try and downplay where human made climate change is leading us.

I’m pretty sure my image will not make the grade for Loulou164’s challenge. Other challenges have had to take priority :-)

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