Day29 Jewish Mikwe

After a filling breakfast at the hotel we headed into Speyer again, unfortunately none of the museums open until 10am, and we tend to be early on the way. The first stop was the Judenhof, Jewish Courtyard, a UNESCO protected area. This includes part of a very old synagogue from 11 hundreds and a Mikwe ritual bath, a well protected set of steps and this bath 10m down with fresh water from the water table. A very interesting history of the quite large Jewish community living alongside the Christians between 1100s and 1500s. Went well until the well of Jewish merchants were blamed for spreading the plague and were sent away.
The next stop was the Dom from yesterday’s blip. What a fabulous structure, absolutely huge, with one of the biggest crypts down below, with the graves of 8 emperors and kings of Germany / the region.
After a very good coffee, we were on the road back home, an easy 330km drive, still a bit of rain and no major holdups. Of course then everything to unpack and put away. I have to say the house wasn’t as clean as we left it, so also got some cleaning done. My son was on his own, and he was away a lot for work, so I wasn’t too upset after 4 whole weeks away, could have been much worse :-)

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