Pererindodau ~ Pilgrimages
“All we see in the world is a projection from our own minds. I may see one thing, you another; and according to the test of a third party we are both wrong, for he sees something else. So we are all wrong, yet all are right.”
― Arthur Schopenhauer
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Doedd dim ond un cerbyd ar y trên o Gaerdydd i Gaerfyrddin, felly roedd taith yn orlawn ac yn anghyfforddus. Efallai dyna natur o bererindod!
O Gaerfyrddin aethon ni i Ddrefach Felindre lle ein ffrindiau yn cadw llawer o offer Bwdist i ni - offeryn, dillad ayyb. Pan roeddwn ni wedi llwytho'r car gyda phopeth aethon ni ar ein taith unwaith eto - i Drala Jong.
Rydyn ydyn ni'n mynd i fod yma/yno gyda'n myfyrwyr am wythnos. Rydyn ni'n gobeithio bydd pawb y cael amser da.
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There was only one carriage on the train from Cardiff to Carmarthen, so it was a crowded and uncomfortable journey. Maybe that's the nature of pilgrimage!
From Carmarthen we went to Drefach Velindre where our friends kept a lot of Buddhist equipment for us - instruments, clothes etc. When we had loaded the car with everything we went on our journey once again - to Drala Jong.
We are going to be here/there with our students for a week. We hope everyone has a good time.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Ffenestr yn Nrefach Felindre
Description (English): A window at Drefach Felindre
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