
By Stace91

Mini Vacation

It is our last night in the house. I will be moving in with my sister for a couple of weeks while we wait for the new house to be finished and ready.

We took Casper over to Nan's place tonight, the car ride was a little scary for him but he seemed to cope okay. I think I was more nervous for him.

When we got there and settled him in, my brother was playing music in his room. I explained to Danny that Casper likes older music like Tom Jones, Elvis etc and he doesn't like techno or rap.
Danny decided to test the theory. He played Eminem and Casper looked at him, puffing his chest out and the feathers on his head stood up. Danny quickly changed the song to dumb things by Paul Kelly, Casper relaxed, tilted his head a little and then started to bop along... Quite amusing.

It was strange leaving him there because everything has started to set in, tomorrow night I won't be in my bed or my room and it won't be a good feeling. Casper won't be around familiar surroundings so I can't imagine how he will be for the next couple of weeks.

My dog Buster will be coming with me, it is going to be new for him too. He has never been to my sisters house and he will be fretting my dad like crazy! I have borrowed my dads shirt to put next to Buster at night, I have heard that helps. I don't like seeing the animals distressed but unfortunately until this new house is ready they will have to cope as best as they can like the rest of us.

But I am trying to see this as a mini vacation. Not to a place that is exotic or new, just a small getaway.

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