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By NessD

Let them eat cake

Oh no, hang on that was Marie-Antoinette. Allegedly. Further googling suggests that it might have been Louis XIV's wife instead. And, whoever said it apparently meant brioche anyway.

This is a statue of King Alfred which I walk or drive past pretty much every day. My recent attempts at tour guiding demonstrated my appalling lack of knowledge on the subject and shamefully an inability to distinguish Alfred (of burnt cakes fame) from Arthur (of round table fame). I don't have time to read the links at the moment but must remember to refer back to them next time I'm required to show people round Winchester.

Rubbish day on the study front. It was going so badly I decided to use my patented escape to Starbucks for cake and coffee taking only a pen and notepad with me. And the question. Obviously. Starbucks* wasn't playing today (they're shut for a refurb) so I had to settle for cake and a soft drink in a rival; I can't stand the coffee in either of the chain alternatives in town. And the smaller independents that I usually frequent are not suitable for nursing a drink and studying. Minor success. I think I've decided which scenario to focus on at least and started a bit of a plan.

Just hoping that the sports massage I've got booked later this afternoon is going to get rid of the neck pain and permanent low-grade headache and then I can crack on this evening.

Yesterday is backblipped.


* yes, I know about the tax thing. I rarely use them but assignment crises call for desperate measures.

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