
I woke early this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, so decided that it was the moment to start running again. The early morning sunlight was beautiful but, after a swift 2km around Christ Church Meadows, I had to stop because I was hot and "blown". It was still only 06:45, so I continued for another half dozen kilometres, alternating running with walking. Back at Christ Church, the sun has risen enough to light half of Tom Quad (pictured) but it was too late to have breakfast and get to the first talk of the day. Not that I needed it after eating well the previous night. The run cleared my head, too.

The conference wasn't as good today, but that happens. At the end of the day, a walk to Port Meadow had been arranged, so Y and I tagged along. She'd brought a picnic so, when we'd crossed the river and reached an informal beer garden on the bank, we dropped out of the walk and had a beer. The sun had gone in by the time we'd finished our drinks, so we wandered back into Oxford and went our separate ways.

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