
By Melisseus

Head on

I'm grateful for a helping hand. Desultory, I wandered around the garden, wondering if there was anything to inspire me to a picture. This guy ran up a petal and made a suggestion, then sat patiently while I fussed and fiddled. I'm grateful 

He, or she, is, I think, Dolycoris baccarum, the hairy shieldbug, or sloe bug - though there seems to be some doubt that they have any particular love for sloes. They are also called stink bugs, because they smell unpleasant if you squash them. I didn't - that would have been more than ungrateful

We are probably not going to Belgium. Tests this morning were both resolutely positive. Tomorrow morning is last chance and seems highly unlikely to  be a miraculous double turn-around. Face facts

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