Tomorrow....'s only going to be 93F/33.8C instead of today's 104/40C. And Friday...a high of only 80F/26.6C! We'll probably need our winter jackets!

I went down to visit my veggie bed early this morning - it's at the end of my row of townhouses in a big sunny lawn area next to the golf course. One of my neighbors had already done the watering (it's such a lovely community) so I just tied up my tomatoes and gazed lovingly at yesterday's cuke which is twice as big today. The neighboring veggie bed (these are all 4'x8' raised beds - 3' tall) started as all seeds in early June when these were built. Some sort of random stuff like peas that aren't happy, but also this GIGANTIC squash - I think it's a butternut - they're just starting so I'll know soon. I've never seen anything so big. See the extras for just how big the leaves and flowers are! The bees were absolutely swarming. The flowers are so large they must be like beacons...seen from many miles away! 

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