Bomb proof Fenton

Tricky day again,
looking for the answers but
they seem elusive

It is busy and there is a lot going on, so it makes sense in some ways that Ben is struggling but also it feels like it’s come on all of a sudden and it’s so impactful.
We slept ok, thankfully, there was a bit of a compression low on his Dexcom but nothing too tricky.
We managed a walk in the morning but he was cross and grabbing me over the smallest things. Then there was a big blow out at lunch about wanting Pepsi max rather than his green cola which he knows is always the choice for him. He took a while to calm down and then there were other things like wanting to go to wickes for tools and then at the end of the day when I wanted to take Leo for a last walk around the block, he wanted to leave Leo behind and go without him, which sort of would have defeated the purpose.. just one of those days.
Mr KCNQ2Haiku is home later tonight so that will help but we’re having the weekend at the in laws with family coming over from America, so there’s definitely potential for some spiralling from Ben :-/
It’ll be fine :-D Almost certainly!
Photo is a new dog toy for Leo since he liked our fox doorstop so much!

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