The ‘A’ Team

Today was A Level results day so we were all up early, nervously waiting for Poppy’s results to be emailed to her. Unfortunately, the first email she received was from Newcastle Uni to inform her that she hadn’t been successful in getting a place. Surprisingly, she took it really well and remained positive when she got her results at about 8.30: Sociology A
Psychology B
English lit B
Extended Project A

She did however, get an offer from Cardiff and seemed really pleased with that so it looks like she’s off to Wales next month!
We’ve been so proud of how hard she’s worked and how she coped with her disappointment today, showing great resilience and optimism and just getting on with it rather than wailing and moping. She’s off out with her friends for a well deserved celebration in Cambridge tonight.
Well done Pops, you are amazing!! Xx

ed project

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