
By FionaRobinson


A slightly busier work day than yesterday, but still managed to actually read a couple of policy papers that have been sat in my “when I get the time” pile.

Frustrating call from the mental health team cancelling tomorrow’s appointment. Again I don’t think the person who called was expecting me to very calmly point out that this will almost certainly mean that J’s discharge from hospital will be later than it could have been. And then explain (again - different team) that I worked and so if this discussion about what care was needed had to happen before the discharge planning meeting on 1/9 and the social worker was away until after the bank holiday then I only had 2 afternoons available that could possibly work. And both of them would require me to rearrange work commitments so I would need to know the time by 9:30am on the Tuesday (as one possible time would be Tues afternoon). Needless to say I won’t be holding my breath for a call.

As I don’t need to finish work early tomorrow for the meeting, I logged off in time for a loop line walk in the sunshine. Loved the dappled light through the trees.

Thanks for everyone’s supportive comments on the previous post about the lack of flexibility in the system

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