Queensferry Crossing Bridge

Our friend David is playing his final show at this year's Edinburgh Fringe, tomorrow, so we are going up to see him perform.

In Festival season, accommodation is both scarce and expensive, so the Minx suggested we stay outside Edinburgh and take the train in to see David. It was a good plan, and so this afternoon we set off for Markinch.

We were only an hour or so into our journey when I decided to ring ahead and book at table in the restaurant of the pub where we were staying. However, the somewhat fraught sounding lady on the end of the phone couldn't seem to find our reservation.

She said there had been trouble with the booking system, but that she would sort it, even if that meant finding us a room somewhere else. Thus, enjoyable though the drive north was, I felt a little unsettled.

On arriving, we were met by the manager, who was looking a bit shell-shocked. She said they had room for one night only, whereas we needed two. She wasn't to know this, of course; our booking was lost!

The Minx took the situation in hand, and found another hotel in the town that had a room for tomorrow night, and she jumped in the car to book it in person, while I was treated to a complimentary pint of Tennants.

When the Minx rejoined me, one of the bar staff, who, it turned out, was the manager's son, came over and thanked us. He told us that we were not the only lost booking, and that the previous couple had resorted to a lot of shouting and swearing, threatening to throw glasses at the manager. No wonder she was on edge when she was dealing with us!

Anyway, while the bar wasn't quite our usual style - a bit utilitarian, with a couple of TVs and a snooker table - the room was fine, as was the restaurant. 

The big surprise came when the food was served; we had the best meal either of us could remember. It was absolutely amazing. Beautifully prepared, and with fantastic flavours and textures. What a bonus and a great end to the day.

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