That Boy...


He's very photogenic and there wasn't much happening in the garden today.  It's been a tough week with the boy.  The recent seizures have taken a toll on his back legs and he has been struggling with his walks which had given me pause for thought.  He was much better today though.  We are down to one short walk a day but thankfully he can explore the garden and I take him out often to keep his legs moving.  I have been trying different ways to get him up and about in the morning without it ending up in a seizure and the best way seems to be to let him do his own thing - so I have adjusted my day around him!  The benefits of working from home and for myself!

I am meeting a friend for a late lunch and drinks tomorrow so Dale is coming to baby dog sit.  He will be in safe hands with his vet nurse!

I have also had a conversation hanging over me.  I was supposed to have had a meeting on Monday morning but after Aonghus's seizure I asked to reschedule.  The potential client wasn't very happy at the short notice and said that I should have told him sooner, he had cancelled other meetings to meet with me, his project will now be a week behind and in future it would be nice to know sooner...blah, blah, blah.  I told him where to go.  Not in those words but I asked him how I could have possibly told him any sooner when it had just happened that morning ???  I then told him I could not work on his project at this time.  Probably for the best!

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