All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Steps to Nowhere

After the comments yesterday from PinkPrincess and Andmoff I decided that yes I probably do need to get out a bit! Actually, I'd been thinking that anyway, as I only have another week of my sick line and then have to go back to work and I'm a bit worried about going from complete sofa rest back to full time work.

So after popping down to Marks & Spencers for some yummy strawberries (why DO theirs taste better than ones bought elsewhere?), I drove to Livingston Village and had a short wander round there. Found these steps which look like they're leading down to the river but then just stop which is a bit strange! Wasn't really feeling energetic enough to explore much though and after about 20 minutes, headed home, worn out. It's very frustrating as I'm usually very fit and healthy so just goes to show how quickly your fitness levels drop after 7 weeks on the sofa! Funny to think that this time last year I completed the 26 mile moonwalk yet couldn't even contemplate doing that now! Still, there's a good reason for it and it won't be for ever!

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