Frootloops Esq

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Up relatively early, as I forgot to set any alarms! Onto the motorway for a few hours.... to make it into Southport, where my sister is.

Met up with her and her husband...
Marvelled at what's becoming a definite bump instead of a belly.
Then over to my brother-in-law's parents place of work.

Unfortunately his dad has issues lifting recently, particularly bad as he works in the flooring trade! So Tim and I were lackeys for the day. It was oddly fun shifting planks about the place; I think my body appreciates most forms of exercise these days!

Later, post chatting and more baby-poking, we went out for dinner. After a wee wait on the in-laws, we were seated, and I had a really lovely meal, and generally a nice end to a fun day.

Above is my sister's cuddly toy, that's just about in one piece; but he's relatively young compared to her first dog, Fido :o)


Also found out when I got back the exam results... passed all but one subject... so have a resit exam at the end of summer :o(

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