
By weemusings

"We have a leak"??

These were the words my husband told me in my half-dazed state last night as I was trying to get to sleep. Of course being half-asleep I didn't really pay much attention and fell asleep quite happily not thinking any more of it.

Until this morning when he left me a note to say:

"Watch out for this mains pipe, it could blow at any moment. If it does burst the water will be huge"!!!!!

Great I thought as I stood next to the pipe eyeing it up and down as I cleaned my teeth just waiting for it to do just that.
I got ready for work unscathed and hoped my house wouldn't be flooded by the time I got back.

Luckily my husband works a split shift so he was able to come home not long after I left and ring the plumber and our insurance company just in case it does go.
When I got back from work I cautiously opened the front door and everything looked normal. I had a peek round the toilet door and noticed my husband has put a pipe leading from the leak to the sink trying to take the worst of the water away from the floor.

The plumber can't come out until Tuesday so hopefully it lasts until then.

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