POG's Journal


Busy Week Coming.

Hello Everyone,

I have started training on my road bike on the road and all is going well… I did 15 miles yesterday and 18.5 today. I am super slow, and my heart rate is quite high but that should get better over time.

I picked up my new glasses from the opticians this afternoon. They are a lot better, which is good as they cost more than the winter bike, I got a few weeks ago.

I am off to London tomorrow to the Paddington track reunion thingy. Going there by train and going to ride one of the Boris Bikes to the venue. I am going to take this (the phone) little camera with me.

Thursday is 12 weeks from when my hip was replaced and 6 from when my tummy was fixed so I am sort of let off the leash and can do a few more things.

On Friday I must go to Heathrow to collect my daughter who is flying home for California, she’s been there around 11 weeks, her grandfather died, and her mum is in hospital now with sepsis and pneumonia. I have been trying to find options for her mum to return to England as things will be quite challenging without her father about. 

I did 50 miles on the bike last week and would like to clock up 100 this week if possible. Little and often is the name of the game at the moment.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy.


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