Indecent Exposure

By Mahf00d


Horrible day. Started with overcast weather after a few good days with lots of sun, and this letter in the mail. This pretty much ruined my entire day as I opened the envelope, and I did the crazy-person-throwing-shit-across-the-room thing amidst anger. It really sucks when something you have been looking forward to for a very long time stops being a possibility due to petty reasons. I could still go through the appeal process, which I plan to do, and hopefully that changes things (however unlikely).

Darkroom stuff, and gym later. Felt much better after the gym, and channeling the anger into the bench press proved fruitful (my bench still sucks compared to before dissertation/exam period though, unfortunately).

Tomorrow is day trip to the Cotswolds with Hava, Eva and Andy, which I am very much looking forward to*. Not all doom and gloom I guess.


*Let's pretend I wrote this on the day and not after the trip has already happened.

Also sorry about shit photo, wasn't exactly in the mood.

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