234/365 Three Generations !

234/365 22nd Aug Three Generations ! Of Thatcher’s. Master Thatcher Dave Symonds with his son & grandson in the August sunshine threshing the corn that has just been harvested (see 223/365 11th Aug) the Thresher separated the seed from the stalks and bundles the stalks up ready for thatching, with the corn going for seed and straw bales for bedding hardly any waste. Dave will be collecting the “Guy Gale Trophy at this Thursdays Melplash Show   #melplashshow2023  #guygaletrophy #davesymondsthatcher   And a song https://www.bing.com/videos/search?&q=drink+up+thy+cider+wurzels&view=detail&mid=32BBBE506ECB262BA64F32BBBE506ECB262BA64F&FORM=VDRVRV&ajaxhist=0

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