A trip down memory lane.

A morning on my own, as J left early to go with his biker friend to pick up a motorbike  engine in Pembroke -shire.  They stopped off at a greasy spoon for a bacon & egg roll, and J said t was the best he had ever tasted, praise indeed. My Boden dresses were delivered, and I think they are all keepers. J approves, so all good. This Dinky car is kept on our side board alongside a photo of my Dad. He owned one like this when I was about 5 or 6, and he hand painted it, blue on the top and black on the bottom, with his name painted on the side. He ran a small haulage business  as well as working full time in the ambulance service. He was a wonderful provider, and gave us the best he could afford. The number plate on this model is the same as the one on my Dad's van, JLD  142 which I have never forgotten.  A great coincidence, I think.

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