Just the Withers......

By JaneW

I like lying on the floor ….

Not really …. I was cleaning a sticky mark from one of the kick boards…. I listen to audio books when I’m cleaning so I pop my phone in my pocket , thus making it easy to whip it out to take a picture . Gabby obliged by wanting to bite the cleaning cloth …

Ok, you’ve all done well with extra remarks from yesterdays rant …. Here is the next … people who say

‘I speak as a find ‘ … this is usually done after the said person has delivered a really shitty remark which they then follow up with ‘ I am allowed an opinion’ which means the shitty remark sailed close to the wind and is more than likely racist or bullying …. You know the sort … ohhhhhh wait don’t forget ‘ I tell it like it is ‘ … that’s the other remark delivered by someone who needs their mouth glued up x

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