
A dramatic discovery today. On our way to a nearby roadside garden stand, I saw this poor soul lying three feet off the rural, but fairly busy road. I yelled at him to see if he would wake, to no response. I called 911, and within three minutes, an ambulance and paramedics arrived. By five minutes, the EMTs had him on his feet, although he looked very weak. We left after it looked like he was in good hands, and in a stable condition. We assume he was taken to a hospital, or care facility, as he could not have been left on the side of the road in this condition.
Others had to have seen this poor man sleeping three feet from traffic. Why didn’t they stop? Have we become so hardened and calloused to people on the street that we drive by scenes like this?
So many lost souls on the streets now. Here is one who was saved, at least for today.

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