
By Ellaphant

Windmill 'Fortuna', Noordhorn

The upper axel (translating from Dutch, but perhaps there is a more technically correct term) broke last June, so this mill has been recently renovated.  According to the website, the previous miller was rather particular about many things, busying himself with what the other millers in the region were doing and fussing about the name.  It's a relatively new mill -- 1890.  That said, even our 400-yr-old mills look new, so, really, appearances can be deceiving.

A long drive today but the weather was favourable, so there was nothing really to complain about, not even traffic jams, although the A27 will always be busy, especially close to Utrecht.  A matter of patience and positivity.  I also needed to rest from research, and road time easily fixes that.  Still waiting for a job opening, and I wanted to get away from that kind of tension as well.

The rest of life is... all good!  Supermarket errands before I left, some cleaning, a nap when I got back.  Kitchen duties after dinner, and back to research.  Thankful I am able to pull myself up.  Practice might not make perfect but does lead to reasonable improvement.

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