Around the Block

By Barrioboy

Rare Events!

After a morning doing some time-essential work to keep a few projects going, Dd again encouraged me to make the most of my holiday time while she laboured against her item-writing deadline. Not often do I get the chance to read the paper, without time pressure, in a local place for a tapas lunch by myself. The paper has a series commemorating Johan Cruyff signing for FC Barcelona fifty years ago.

My seat had to be inside today as Barcelona is sitting at 35C just now with high humidity. This week, the city recorded the highest night time temperature since 1923 of over 29C!

It’s an amazing statistic but does make me wonder how that temperature was reached a hundred years ago without the climate change conditions we have today. Was it a one off? What factors were at play? Were the same factors coinciding this year? What new factors substituted some of those or have added to the situation? It’s a complicated picture, for sure.

So a couple of rare events . . . the former to repeat, the latter to avoid at all costs!

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