
Back in the classroom, not a course I like delivering, but.

Early in the day we look at the horrific case of Victoria Climbie in 2000, one that shocked a nation, thst shaped a lot of modern legislation and practice.
Nearly a quarter of a century on, nearly half a century on from my own abusive childhood I wonder why we still need these courses. And then I look at the news. 

I can appreciate that nobody likes to be labelled, and that for some the term vulnerable has become offensive, but it's one Wellness Walks takes seriously. What we do, the way we do it, paying attention, building trust, changing environments, it can by its very nature make people vulnerable, make our volunteers people they might disclose to. 

Arriving home shattered I went round to nice neighbours to collect Missy. They were very keen to show me their first water lily, I was very keen to get an easy blip. 

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