Mr Smith

By MrSmith

Feeling like death

Doesn't matter how lovely the day is and how glad most of us feel to be alive there's always someone around with murderous intentions.

Took this shot on a morning wander around the park close to Smithski and J9s house. One of the by-products of having little kids is that even when I'm away from home and craving some sleep my body clock kicks in and I'm awake at 7am at the latest. I've never been able to just lie -in, especially with a hangover (feels like I'm decomposing) so I was up and about.

Whilst J9 was preparing for her show yesterday me and Smithski indulged in some banter in a beer garden, then we had a few sociable beers during the show and then went to the pub afterwards with some of J9s pals. And then ended up having a few nightcaps back at the house.

I was sat on a park bench at 8am this morning, reading the paper, eating a Mars Bar for breakfast and knocking back a bottle of Lucozade. I nearly nodded off at one point which would have completed the whole tramp look nicely.

J9's degree show last night was inspired. Genuinely moving and extremely powerful. I predict great things.

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