Telegraph Road

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I wasn't in the mood for it today. Yesterday's workshop had been quite tiring and I just wanted to have a short day at work.

But NO. 


It wasn't my project team. It was my over-arching team, which is the data governance team. Now that I'm a Fancy-Pants Data Analyst* I get to ponce about with a bunch of data nerds who use words like, "semantics", "domain models", "thirdform normalisation", "taxonomy" and "ontology" like these are normal regular things to say out loud.

Anyway, the entire team (spread across the country) had come to Wellington and booked me for a pub quiz so I was like "EFF" when it got to 4:15pm.

"I'll just have a couple of drinks and slope off, I think," I told Caro.

But you know what? Nerds are FUNNNNN.

I got talking to Liz who is a lovely woman and we ended up having a good laugh. And it turns out that my immediate boss Soni likes whisky and we had a good time. 

We came LAST in the quiz, but so what? Larfs were had. 

And after the quiz I tried to catch the train home but it was a bus replacement. Full of whisky and good humour I looked out of the windows into the darkness and it struck me how in the dark I could be anywhere and anywhen. 

The road I travelled felt like so many trips home in the dark. Down the length of Leith Walk or on the road to Las Vegas or travelling up to Edinburgh for the very first time. 

I fancied that the bus was a time machine and I could be any age I wanted at any point in my life. And I wondered if this is what the afterlife is like, travelling through all the points of your life on a bus in the dark, revisiting them all in your memory but never reaching a destination. 

I'd had a lot of whisky. And I do love the darkness.


* Actual title. 

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