The Chaos Muppet

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Shenée has - if you had not gleaned this already - been a big influence on me. 

My work personality has gotten bigger since meeting her. And I think I was known as a gregarious, sociable fellow even before that. But I see how she charmed people and made them feel valued and comfortable and I copy her. 

I ask people how they are doing. I ask them about their families and pets and hobbies. And I make sure they know this is way more important to me than work. 

You'd be amazed at the results.

Today we had another meeting with our new vendors. It was more about how we are going to work together as a team. And it was quite a touchy-feely session so I felt free to let my Inner Shenée off the leash and have her run around the room. 

This started with a quiz on "What Sort of a Muppet Are You?" It turns out that I am a Chaos Muppet but that this is a good thing because teams NEED chaos. 

You're welcome.

Then we had to form break-out groups which I mean - I know - is the sort of sh*te that IT teams hate. But I decided to embrace it. I told the facilitator that I wanted the pink sticky notes because we were Team Barbie*. I then took charge and read all of our feedback notes and made it funny. 

"How am I going to follow THAT?" said Jeroen. 


I wonder if they know that I'm playing a part. Pretending to a be a very small South African woman obsessed with chickens. A pink Chaos Muppet who asks people what their pets are called and makes sure to use everyone's first name as soon as I have learned it. 

Shenée may no longer be at Kainga Ora, but she's SO still here. 


* This surprised my (mainly male) team. 

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