daily observations

By euniceM

Quarry bank mill

This is the room where the Superintendents of the children’s quarters lived. We took Joe to Quarry Bank Mill today and got tickets for the Apprentice house. It was where the child labourers ate and slept. They were hardly apprentices as most of them came from the workhouse and couldn’t read their indentures and were forced to sign them anyway.  It didn’t go very smoothly. First of all we couldn’t find the Apprentice house and we had timed tickets. Joe found it in the end, just in time. The man doing the tour was very boring. We’ve taken the other kids there and the guide made it really interesting. This one just liked the sound of his own voice. Then Joe got very hot in his waterproof and we had to go outside for him to cool off away from the group. We went to the cafe next and I got lost when I went to the loo. It’s quite a way away at the back of the gardens. When I located the boys they’d gone in and were munching on sandwiches. Joe said his was horrible ( it was ) so I got him another one and ate some of his. Hey ho, that’s life. Things don’t always go to plan. Better luck next time with the grandparents, Joe.

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