Today's the day

By sheilwill

Wicker Horse

Today's the day ........................ for a makeover

This is the wonderful 18ft high Kirkcudbright Wicker Horse, a sort of mascot for the town - and always present at the many events that happen there throughout the summer.

He's had a complete makeover this year by Auchencairn artist, Trevor Leat, who was responsible for his original conception.  He was also the creator of the giant structures burnt at the end of the Wickerman Festival for many years.  There's an on-going competition to find a name for the Horse but at the present time, he's nameless.

On Saturday, it will be one of the highlights of the year - the Kirkcudbright Tattoo and Firework Display and the Horse will be there playing an important part, name or no name ....................!

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