Last of the Summer Sunshine...

Kennet and Avon Canal, Bradford on Avon

My second mini adventure by train in three days! Today my travelling companions were K, Ronnie and Ivy. A beautiful blue sky day reaching a warm 24 degrees. The day in brief-ish!

- Train from our local station direct to BoA
- Stroll around the historic town, including a visit to The Dog House (pet shop) and the Saxon Church
- Riverside path to the medieval Tithe Barn where Ronnie and Ivy took a dip in the river, and K and I browsed the craft shops
- Canalside path to the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust café for lunch for K and me, and ice creams for Ronnie and Ivy, while watching canal boats pass through the locks
- Back to the river for a much needed cooling dip for Ronnie and Ivy
- Canal towpath to Avoncliff for a drink in the pub garden
- Across the Avoncliff Aqueduct to the tiny station and the return train
- Walked home via the shops for a cooling drink for K and me, and a final cooling swim in the river for Ronnie and Ivy, where we saw the Kingfisher fly by

My other favourite pic from today, my first extra, Ronnie enjoying a view of the Tithe Barn. And if you want to join Ronnie and Ivy on their adventure, you can follow their day in the second extra, and views of BoA in the third.

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