Droning On

Our photographer was due this morning so we were up early as my friend Janet, very kindly picked up some items for the recycling centre which didn’t fit in our car. Mr P wasn’t feeling great but he went with her to help while I carried on tidying (not that we’re last minute). The photographer turned out to be two photographers and in addition to the photographs, they shot a video and then drone footage and pictures from my neighbour’s garden (across the road). The whole thing ended up taking the entire morning. It was very stressful as I thought we had decluttered but it turned out that we had a whole lot more to do, especially in son no 3’s room. I’d forgotten about him in all the palaver so had to wake him up!
After they’d left Mr P went for a lie down and I stared washing, ironing and shopping for our family reunion weekend away. Unfortunately Mr P has now developed a sore throat and aches and pains so almost certainly can’t come. I suspect it’s the dreaded lurgy again, even though we’re both testing negative. I seem to be fine for the time being and have agreed with the rest of the family to join them if I’m still feeling ok and testing negative tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

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