
And that's just about the way I feel right now. I'm looking at a situation where I have had over a week off from daily blipping and now looking at the fast approaching Autumn and Winter. Lots of stuff to catch up on around the property and very little motivation to carry on fretting over daily blips. I am going to take a back seat for a while to concentrate on home repairs and on the smooth running of the weekly Zoom photography forum which I am responsible for and for which incidentally we would welcome anyone but especially a couple of lady members. We meet at 7pm every Wednesday (Helsinki time, 5pm London). Log in at:
I also need to get moving on preparing some exhibition work which has been sorely neglected all year.
 So it's farewell, not goodbye and I expect that I will be contributing blips whenever I see something special which I think you might be interested in. I shall of course continue to scan through your work and will comment now and again too as before.

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