occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

Quality Cafe

Hooray! Quality Cafe has been re-opened in downtown Beaumont!
Meet Cherry; she's my friend Sam's mom. Their family owns this little breakfast and lunch cafe. Southern hospitality, quick service, and good food.
They had been closed down since Hurricane Rita hit in the fall of 2005. The speciality at Quality Cafe is spaghetti and fried chicken every Thursday.
So next week, if I get out of the MCAT before lunch is over, that is where I will be dining.
Today, I had G's Cucumber and Tomato salad (cucumbers, red onions, red bell peppers, feta cheese, and balsamic vinaigrette) - named for Sam's dad, George.
It was delicious.

She didn't see me take this quick pic I don't think..

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