Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg


In my quest for interesting things to blip, I decided to drive down yet another random road. It was raining and the light was poor and so the situation was not ideal. I had my tripod in the trunk, but did not pull it out due to the poor weather and limited time. In some respects I regretted this due to the limited light situation.

This is a shot I took of a "fence" next to the road. The fence was actually built out of a surplus telephone pole and so the bent silver thing you see is a remnant of an ID number from the days of this as a pole.

There is a funny story here. I shot this next to a road and crouching next to this fence and as I was doing so, a car pulled up and honked. It was the owner of the nearby house asking what I was doing. I politely explained that I was taking pictures, but really wanted to say "What do you think?" Seriously, I was crouching staring into the viewfinder of a rather large dSLR with an even larger lense pointing at this log. Wasn't it obvious what I was doing? Maybe I should have said something crazy like "I am sampling the air for alien particles." Ironically, he then asked if I was photographing deer. Again another rather vapid question, there were no deer to be seen and the large camera was pointed at the fence. Uhhmmm, okay, yeah deer. Not sure what he was thinking with that question either. The end result was positive as he was a reasonably nice guy and suggested I might find dear if I walked up this path. I will try that on a future blip.

The things that caught my eye on this shot were the silver number, metallic supports in the distance and the circular pattern on the end. I tried to capture all of these in the shot, and am not sure if I did as good of a job as I might have. A colleague of mine looked at the shot and thought that it was lacking a focal point. I am inclined to agree because the silver 5 is not strong enough for the image. What do you think? What could I do to improve it?

No Photoshop here

Constructive criticism always welcome

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