
The office gardening and crafts annual show was held today. As ever, especially as an organiser and entrant, it was a long and very busy day for me. But it was also great fun.

Being retired, it made some of the practicalities a bit more difficult to organise but this year we had the help of some younger working members. And, for the first time in years we had entries in the children and young people’s categories.

I had a “good show” so will be polishing some silverware again this year. As a change from the usual flowers, veg and home baking, this photo is of an entry in the “recycled items” category. It was made by one of the catering staff - she got some funny looks when wheeling it in under a blanket on a trolley. He is called Frank. Full name Frank-in-tins.

We all thought he was brilliant but the judge gave the first prize to something else and rewarded Frank a second prize. He was robbed.

In any event it was all good fun. Can’t wait to see next year’s entries.

We had the added delight of the Lancaster family arriving this weekend. A cancelled event allowed them to pop up for the weekend which is lovely. Grandson photos will no doubt follow tomorrow.

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