Alchemilla - Ladys Mantle

Nice pleasant day but a little shower just made the Alchemilla look pretty.

Dog walk this morning.

Did a bit of gardening this afternoon, mainly I pulled up the nettles ouch my arms got stung but I had good gloves on, then found the thumb on one hand had a hole so ouch again. Paula cut the top lawn.

Misty decided to explore so after finding her way onto next doors shed roof, No idea how she got there, she did a balancing act on the top of the trellis then onto his garage roof, then onto our garage roof and shed roof but couldn't get down, In the end Paula had to get the stepladder and get her down from the garage roof. I have now placed the wheelie bin where she can jump down onto then down to earth, in case she try's it again.

The chap at the back has finished his fence it looks very good, now we have to start sorting the bare patch, not so bare in some places as the comfrey has grown well and the nettles.
I have found my variegated holly bush that got chopped down it's starting to grow again so now I know exactly where Fly's grave is as I planted it next to it. (Fly being a previous collie we had and once the trees had gone I wasn't sure exactly where she was).
 There is an awful lot of wood shavings and bits of wood and small logs from the cutting down of the trees, so  "I have decided" to collect them all up and have a bonfire on 5th November. Not sure who I will invite but there will be Parkin and possibly Pork Pies with mushy peas, even if it's only us. No fireworks because of the animals

So my day was quite busy.

Hope you are all having a good weekend

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