
A lovely birthday spent with my favourite girl and the gang :)

Opened my cards and presents. A wonderful gift from Lu of D, B and R’s paw prints. A cuppa and a slice of birthday cake before we left.

Padstow first, I can only describe it as full to capacity :(. Parked over a mile away from the centre and Lu had to return to the car as D, B and R were struggling with the heat.

A look in a few shops, lovely cards in Whistlefish, bought something from Rick Stein’s shop, queued at the Cherry Tree Coffee House for our lunch. I’m certainly scaling a lot of steep hills this week and the trek back to the car was epic.

Next stop one of my favourite beaches next to Trevone Bay, I first went there with Lu’s dad in the early 90s, true to form I found another yellow periwinkle shell. I’d love to live in this house on the beach.

We wandered down to the port early evening and sat on the beach with a glass of cider and wine.

A lovely day.

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