The World Continues to Turn

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Yesterday Caro got the news that her dad has taken a turn for the worse. 

I haven't talked much about the problems Caro has faced over the past couple of months on here. Basically I've just tried to support her and keep her spirits up. 

It started when Feefs found (in her capacity as a "lifter") a place at a new nursing home for Ronnie. It seemed much nicer and friendlier than the place he had been at. They had therapy animals and it was a nicer setting.

Unfortunately this started off a horrible chain of events. Moving Ronnie seemed to make him worse - the stress affected him badly. But worse still, there was a notable lack of professionalism by the staff. Despite accepting him as a patient they essentially threw him out again about a week later. 

I'm not over-stating what happened. Caro and Feefs were told, "Hey! We're so glad you are here to see your dad! BTW there's an ambulance outside to take him to hospital for his dementia to be assessed. He won't be coming back! Soz!"

So Caro and Feefs spent a horrific night in a hospital where the over-worked staff were told they suddenly had an elderly man to assess for dementia oh and by the way he had nowhere else to go. 

So Ronnie spent about a month in the hospital where they reported that both previous "care" homes had been over-medicating him. 

Heads should roll - but Caro and Feefs were too exhausted to pursue it. 

Eventually they found a better place for Ronnie to go and he's been there a couple of weeks now, but his eating has diminished and Caro was told there was a likelihood this was the end state. 

I can't speak for her but it seemed like a mix of emotions ran through her. Sorrow and relief and anger and grief. But Caro is Caro and she bore it well enough.

She's right now in Tauranga, having flown up hurriedly to avoid missing the end. She's been there all day and is sitting vigil with Feefs and her dad, waiting for the end. 

As you can see, she's managing to have fun with Feefs and I'm glad they have each other. 

But the world continues to turn and it seems that 2023 just won't leave us alone. 


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