Pizza followed by campfire at the Asberys. Nice evening.
Rode Lime this morning (he felt fab which is a relief when he's not been out of the field for nearly a week) then me and Eva both had lessons with Ruth this afternoon. Buddy didn't feel quite right. He's always been weak on his left hind and was speaking to Ruth about the Wimpy weekend and how he didn't really want to go in the SJ lesson. I'd put it down to fitness but he should be fit and his canter has also been a bit disunited on occasions. Today we had a couple of bucks which isn't like him. He's 14 now and it's possible he's got a bit of arthritis and might just need a bit of extra help. He's not massively lame, just didn't feel quite right. He's had some Bute and we've got SJ training on Tues so will see how he goes with that then speak to vet. There's always something :0(. Can't have two broken neds :0(
Jack and Eva had a brilliant lesson. Working on dressage moves and getting accurate centre lines and circles and trying to slow his canter down. He's only got one canter at the moment and that's fast so he needs to steady up a bit. Will come with time.
My sister isn't very well at the mo so also had a long chat to her today. Feels like life just lurches from one set of bad news to another. No break from it. Maybe that's just what middle age is :0(
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