Learning day by day

By EmmaF

The Olden Days!

Drove to Cardiff through leaden skies. Sun appeared weakly and then succumbed to showers. Kids were highly excited about going on the bus from the park and ride! We went to The Cardiff Story, a free museum in the middle of Cardiff. Fantastic place, we spent over two hours there. Carys was enthralled by the audio displays and there were plenty of buttons to keep William occupied. Downstairs they dressed up and then made puppets. Finally they decided it was time for a drink.

Drink done, we headed for the bus, got to the car and found the hotel. Restaurant next door. The kids were great considering they were so tired. They ate loads and there was no fuss (bar W accidently backing into me and spilling salad all down my front and all over the floor!).

C was asleep within minutes of turning the light out. W was a different matter. Over an hour before he went to sleep and then he woke regularly for a drink. Sharing a bed with him, something I normally love doing, was not a pleasant experience as he was like an octopus all night.

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