Happy Birthday Shawn

Can you believe this dude just turned 50?

The day started like yesterday, visiting my Mum in hospital first thing. She is doing incredibly well after her operation and is already drinking water.

Looks like she should be introduced to wet food in a couple of days to allow her bowel to repair a bit but she is longing to eat something yummy. She is on some good pain killers but she's sitting up and interacting with the others on the ward which is lovely to see.

The road to getting out of hospital starts now.

It's been a stressful week and I was in no mind to be going out at the weekend to celebrate my friends 50th which was planned months ago...but...because of the relief of yesterday's operation going well and nothing sinister unveiled I felt I could go out.

My Mum also insisted which was all I needed to push me out.

It was certainly what I needed and I had a great time in Birmingham with Claire and my mates celebrating Shawn's birthday.

Thanks again to all of you with kind words for my Mum. I hope you're all good x

Mr Bo Hingles

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