POG's Journal



Hello Everyone,

One of my brothers’ sons visited yesterday afternoon and gave me this flight case that belonged to his dad. In early 1990 I was newly divorced, homeless, had just started a new career and had very little money. I worked super hard at my new job and at the end of the year got a bonus which I used as a deposit for a house. There was a lot of jiggery pokery going on regarding my income to get the mortgage which I could hardly pay and feed myself.

Another issue was I had no money for furniture and when I moved into my house, I borrowed a single bed for my mum and a garden chair. My brother was working and living abroad and had sold his home but still had all the furniture in storage. Hearing of the luxury I was living in he gave everything to me. This yellow flight case arrived with all the furniture and for some reason was still kicking around the family.

So, what is chapter five and what’s the flight case got to do with it. Several years ago, I watched this TEDX talk about a chap who sold everything and lived for 1 year only owning 100 things, it really struck a chord with me, and I have bored many people talking about it.

During chapter four of my life, I plan to slowly sell everything I own except for my 100 things. I plan to buy a smaller home and a narrowboat. Rent to home and live on the narrowboat until I have had enough of it, or it becomes too much for my advancing years. When it’s time to sell the narrowboat and move back to my home that will be chapter six.

The yellow flight case is more of a symbolic thing regarding storing my 100 things as I don’t think they would all fit in it, and a reminder of the kindness and love of my brother.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy.


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