
If rather slowly!

A lovely last morning on the farm, with a drive to see the wildebeest and then a walk with the husband vefore setting off for the airport (tears before getting in the car from the boys and I). 

Got to airport to find it in slightly chaos. They had no power, lighting was being powered by a generator and check-in was a manual (therefore very long!) process. I was on the 1615 flight and the midday flight was still sat on the tarmac. Amazingly, they got everyone checked in and we only took off 45 minutes late. I was stooped on security for having dangerous items in my bag - turned out to be the cake forks I was bringing back! The customs guy also asked me to exchange some.dollars for him, I politely declined! 

We had decided to only check my baggage through to J'burg as it couldn't be tracked to the UK, which meant a full baggage collection and re-check-in at J'burg. All took rather a long time and vastly reduced my awaited shopping / eating time (a bottle of water and a muffin at the gate was dinner!)
The earlier J'burg - London flight had been cancelled so mine was full. A pretty poor night's sleep, but homeward bound with fewer stresses than could have ended up given the start of the journey. 

Husband took this as he waited in the airport and I waited on the plane (having dashed out of security to give him the 'dangerous' cake forks.

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