Marlborough is an attractive town with many 17th century buildings and the second widest street in England where there is a twice weekly market.  We passed through on the long journey home of over 400 miles.  With three very short stops it had taken nine and a half hours actual driving time due to the volume of traffic on the M5 and M6 although once we got past the Mersey the traffic was not too bad but the southbound traffic looked horrendous, presumably with many people travelling back from Blackpool and the Lakes after the English Bank Holiday. 
It had been a very enjoyable nine days, both with family and also friends with twenty of us meeting for three days near Stratford.  As one friend said  “What a long way we have come from those far off days. Have we changed so much from then?  I’m sure we have but I think it’s incredible how we retain so much of what we were.”

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